The Unspoken Strengths of the Highly Sensitive Person—Mainly, the Power of Our Presence
Solo Episode
HSPs have a powerful ability to show up and be present for others. We often feel less than because we compare the accomplishments of others without realizing that we hold space, listen and notice things in a powerful way. Our society is very oriented to doing. For the Highly Sensitive Person, we excel at being, which is not always appreciated, recognized or valued. In this episode, we also look at a number of the perceived weaknesses of HSPs and talk about the corresponding strengths/superpowers we have.
• Episode 59 with Azul Terronez called Influence Comes from Service really highlights many of the unspoken strengths of the Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)
• Our culture tends to measure success in terms of doing and achievements vs. the power of presence and being
• As HSPs, we have an amazing ability to hold space, listen, recognize and observe things that most people don’t
• We are often the emotional glue that holds our families and relationships together
• It’s often easy for use to measure the non-HSPs parts of our relationships to others, and to forget how powerful our presence is to others
• Often systems are set up in ways that can make us feel that there is something wrong with us, but it’s the system or person that isn’t functional/responsive or able to meet our need(s)
• Many of us have the wound of too much and not enough
• When we start comparing, we WILL feel inadequate
• How can we honor what comes up for us, and be able to address the subtext (when appropriate)? THIS is our greatest strength
• I value self-care, and am in need of rest and recharging
• I process more information on a deeper level
• I’m good at trying new things and I enjoy the moment
• I trust my process and I take the time I need
• I’m not afraid to feel
• I’m in touch with my emotions
• I feel things deeply; it’s healthy and I’m strong, and it allow me to be myself
• I see things that others don’t
• What I do is valuable
• What I bring is valuable
• I am valuable
• I am so beautifully in touch with myself, which is a gift to myself, and others. Everyone is doing their best
• I teach others by example how to feel deeply and how to experience a wide range of human emotions
Patricia Young works with Highly Sensitive People (HSPs) helping them to understand their HSP traits, and turning their perceived shortcomings into superpowers. Patricia is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, and is passionate about providing education to help HSPs and non-HSPs understand and truly appreciate the amazing gifts they have to offer. Patricia works globally online with HSPs providing coaching. Patricia also facilitates online groups for HSPs that focus on building community and developing skills (identifying your superpowers, boundaries, perfectionism, dealing with conflict, mindfulness, embracing emotions, creating a lifestyle that supports the HSP, communication and more).
Episode 59 Influence comes from service with Azul Terronez https://unapologeticallysensitive.com/episode-59
Episode 5 I gave myself permission to be me, and not place undue expectations about who I should be with Melvin Varghese, PhD https://unapologeticallysensitive.com/unapologetically-sensitive-episode-5/”
Episode 17 part 1 & 2 Conversations with a non-binary HS Therapist with Dara Hoffman-Fox
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Show hashtag–#unapologeticallysensitive
Music– Gravel Dance by Andy Robinson www.andyrobinson.com