I Always Knew I Was Different with Melissa Schwartz
Melissa Schwartz
Melissa created the Sensitivity Summit–a free online summit for Highly Sensitive People (HSPs). She shares some of what she learned while recording the interviews for the summit. Melissa provides some tangible tools she uses so she doesn’t absorb others’ energy. She also talks about learning to regulate her emotions, and we talk about how sensitivity can look different in people.
- Melissa is creating a Sensitivity Summit, with over 30 experts on Highly Sensitive People (HSPs) on topics like, adults, children, relationships with non-HSPs, and even wounding
- This event brings together a variety of experts, and will provide great insight for HSPs, or those raising or living with an HSP
- Melissa always knew something was different about her, but she didn’t realize she was Highly Sensitive at first
- She realized she was a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) about 5 years ago
- She always thought, and was told, that she was too reactive, too emotional, too intense, and too sensitive
- 70% of HSPs are introverts, and 30% are extroverts. Melissa identifies as an extrovert
- We discuss trauma, with a capital T and trauma with a lower case t and how they are different
- Some Highly Sensitive People (HSPs), hold on to trauma, because they don’t know how to process it
- Self-compassion is critical
- Melissa was born Highly Sensitive; according to her mother, she came out crying, colicky, and had her days and nights confused
- Instead of Highly Sensitive, Melissa prefers to call herself “deeply attuned”
- Melissa works on regulating her emotions. She’s a spiritual seeker who looks for deeper meaning in life
- She found the work of Esther Hicks in her 20s, and learned more about what emotions mean; the intensity/scale of our emotions, and healthy ways to experience our emotions
- Melissa doesn’t quite think Sensitivity is a superpower. When she was younger, she felt that people who were Non-HSPs had a superpower
- Now, Melissa believes that her empathic/intuitive abilities are her superpower. She can feel the emotional experience of others, and it helps her in her work
- Melissa uses mediation and visualization tools to help her
- We discuss her “loving armor,” and how to keep yourself from absorbing other’s energy when you are empathic
- Some tools to help when you’re feeling overwhelmed include
- Going to the bathroom and splashing water on your face
- Taking cleansing breaths, and releasing that energy
- Visualizing yourself in a bubble of white energy or wearing a suit of armor to protect you
- If you can’t stop the emotional absorption, it’s okay to leave a situation, or bring your our own car so you can leave when you’re ready
- It’s all about self-care. Taking your own car is self-care, bringing snacks is self-care
- Melissa was told her reactions were too big, or her reactions were inappropriate and it was very hurtful to her
- Sensitivity doesn’t look the same for everyone. It can show up in all different ways
- The Sensitivity Summit takes place on September 16th, and you can go to the SensitivitySummit.com to join in!
- “I always knew something was different about me.”
- “It was very overwhelming in my early years to tap into how other people were feeling, and then kind of be drowning in that experience.”
- “I’ll visualize myself in a bubble of white, crystalline energy.”
- “I take my own car places. I like to leave when I’ve had enough. I like to have my own out.”
- “When we’re able to have self-compassion, and be in the moment, and learn to lean into what’s going on, that ultimately leads into a sense of contentment.”
- “Especially when we’re talking about emotional regulation and energetic balance, it’s not something that we achieve and stay there forever, it’s something we achieve for a little bit of time, but it’s even fluctuating.”
- “People say, oh you’re more sensitive or super sensitive. No, I’m Highly Sensitive. It’s not too much, it’s more than it is for you, but it’s just right for me.”
Melissa Schwartz was born an intense, sensitive, empathic, power seeker. Her intuitive ability to decode misbehavior and her passion for giving a voice to the legitimate needs of children naturally evolved into becoming the co-creator of Leading Edge Parenting, co-author of “Authentic Parenting Power” and author of forthcoming “Under the Hood: A Manual to Understand the Inner Workings of Children”. She is an internationally acclaimed author, coach and public speaker bringing new perspective based on current research and personal experience to transform the field of high sensitivity.
Patricia Young works with Highly Sensitive People (HSPs) helping them in understanding their HSP traits, and turning their perceived shortcomings into superpowers. Patricia is passionate about providing education to help HSPs and non-HSPs understand and truly appreciate the amazing gifts they have to offer. Patricia works globally online with HSPs providing coaching. Patricia also facilitates online courses for HSPs that focus on building community and developing skills (identifying your superpowers, boundaries, perfectionism, dealing with conflict, mindfulness, embracing emotions, creating a lifestyle that supports the HSP, communication and more).
Melissa’s Links:
The Sensitivity Summit– www.thesensitivitysummit.com begins September 16, 2019
Introversion, Extroversion and the Highly Sensitive Person by Jaquelyn Strickland, LPC– https://hsperson.com/introversion-extroversion-and-the-highly-sensitive-person/
Books by the author Esther Hicks: https://amzn.to/2MvygTF
Patricia’s Links:
Facebook– https://www.facebook.com/Unapologetically-Sensitive-2296688923985657/
Facebook group Unapologetically Sensitive– https://www.facebook.com/groups/2099705880047619/
Instagram– https://www.instagram.com/unapologeticallysensitive/
Youtube– https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOE6fodj7RBdO3Iw0NrAllg/
E-mail– unapologeticallysensitive@gmail.com
Show hashtag–#unapologeticallysensitive
Music– Gravel Dance by Andy Robinson www.andyrobinson.com
Editor & Show Notes: Cianna Reider – YourPodcastVA.weebly.com